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SAFEcrypto Work Package Leader takes on Presidency of PSCE

Dr David Lund, leader of SAFEcrypto Work Package 3 (Vulnerability and Risk Analysis), has recently taken on the Presidency of Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE).  This follows two years as a member of the PSCE board.

In the coming year there will be a number of key turning points which influence the future of public safety communication.

There will be:

  1. decisions on spectrum availability at WRC’15,
  2. new standardised capabilities becoming available to enable critical features for broadband,
  3. and potential moves towards the first broadband deployments and considerations for European broadband interoperability.

Dr Lund therefore welcomes interested parties to join PSCE and contribute to its activities and help it to shape the future of public safety communications.

The PSCE board have spent time over the last year to carry out some improvements both to its organisational processes and the way it delivers its membership benefits. A new website will be published soon where it will start to collate a library of short white papers to easily share information for the benefit of its members. The organisation also intends to begin a series of online events to broaden the possibilities for members to join the discussion. Should people have any material to present either a 2 page white paper, and/or a 1 hour webinar, please contact the secretariat. This material should be informative relating to experiences of, problems solved for, and future capabilities required and addressed for the benefit of public safety professionals.

Please also help to spread the word and follow PSCE’s Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.

Dr Lund invites you to save the date for PSCE’s next conference to be hosted by the University of Oxford, on 9-10 December 2015. Details of conference topics, speakers and sponsorship opportunities will follow soon.