The three case studies that were used are: Network space-based entities, public safety communications, and privacy-reserving municipal data analytics.
This document contains information on the three case studies that were used, feel free to download a copy to review, and give us some feedback here.
Network Space-Based Entities
Due to the longevity of satellites and associated infrastructure, any public key solution needs to be secure for a long period of time. It is an ideal case study for the use of quantum safe
cryptographic solutions.
Konstantin Inozemtsev via Getty Images
Public Safety Communications
Use of COTS devices and legacy equipment underpin the operation of public safety communications. Long operational lifetimes are common with a European first responder network uplift planned for 2025-2028. Requires low-powered implementations of lattice based cryptography.
Privacy-Preserving Municipal Data Analytics
Significant benefits possible through collaborative analysis of large government-owned data sets; this needs appropriate management of the accessibility and privacy of the information, which can be provided using advanced lattice-based cryptographic techniques, such as lattice-based ABE (Attribute Based Encryption).