SAFEcrypto News and Blogs

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5th ETSI / IQC Quantum Safe Workshop

The 5th ETSI/IQC Workshop will take place in London (UK) on 13 – 15 September 2017. Further details can be found here.

Interesting Wired Article- “The quantum clock is ticking on encryption – and your data is under threat”

Below is the introduction to a Wired article by  Nicole Kobie “A time bomb is ticking – but the numbers keep changing, flipping from enough minutes to save the day but not enough time to escape with your own skin. Then it switches again. It’s no action film, it’s the strange threat posed to encryption by quantum […]

SAFEcrypto Project Review

We held a very successful project review last week (Wednesday 14 Sept) in Brussels for SAFEcrypto.  We were hosted in the Office of the NI Executive in Brussels (ONIEB) and we would like to thank ONIEB Director, Andrew Elliott and Senior EU Liaison Office Stephen Duffy for their support and hospitality during the review.  Andrew’s […]

Deliverable D6.1 – Software Requirements Specification added to outcomes

One new deliverable has been added to the SAFEcrypto Outcomes page. This is: SAFEcrypto: D6.1 – Software Requirements Specification SAFEcrypto_D6 1 Approved (PDF)