16th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC 2017)
The 16th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC 2017), was held on 12 – 14 December 2017, St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, UK, in co-operation with the IACR and supported by SAFEcrypto.
Invited Speakers included:
- Dr Jan Camenisch, IBM Research, Zurich
- Dr Thomas Prest, Thales Communications & Security, France
- Dr Nicolas Sendrier, INRIA, France
- Dr Daniele Micciancio, University of California, San Diego, US
A special session on Lattice-based Cryptographic Constructions and Architectures was organised by Martin Albrecht & Máire O’Neill.
Further information and speakers’ slides can be found at the IMACC website: http://www.csit.qub.ac.uk/IMACC2017/