SAFEcrypto at NIST

Members of the SAFEcrypto team attended the NIST Workshop on Cybersecurity in a Post-Quantum World on the 2nd and 3rd April 2015. Máire O’Neill of Queen’s University Belfast and Principal Investigator of SAFEcrypto, presented a report on Practical Lattice-based Digital Signature Schemes on behalf of the team. Bob Griffen of RSA and Standards Liaison Manager and Work-package 8 Leader in SAFEcrypto, acted as moderator for a Panel discussion on Key Management for quantum-safe cryptography. Joining the Panel were William Whyte of Security Innovation, Gregoire Ribordy of ID Quantique, Sean Parkinson of RSA and Elizabeth O’Sullivan of Queen’s University Belfast and Work-package 6 Leader of SAFEcrypto.